Thoughts by Neena
I am Neena M. I have a Bachelors degree in Home Science and Drawing Painting, graduated with Masters degree in Politcal Science and I have a Bachelors degree in Education. I am Hindi, Art & Craft teacher. Art is my passion from my childhood. I wants to share my talent with the next generation. Everyone has a dream of what they want to become. My dream was to become an art teacher. I would need to have goals to achieve them to get to my dream. Like this quote says “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement .” by Bo Bennett. If you have a dream, then you would need to have goals. Having goals would help you to reach for your dream. In order to reach my dream I would need to accomplish my goals first. I would need to work on my own because if somebody helps me and does half of my drawing I wouldn't be challenging myself to see what I can draw and to see what I can not draw. Sometimes I would need some help like telling me how to use my pencil and if i'm not using my pencil to heavily and also I don't know what kind of materials you use for doing a realistic sketching. I would probably need to talk to my art teacher in highschool so he can tell me what kind of materials you need to use to make a realistic sketching and how to improve my drawings and how to make my drawings look realistic. I would draw and do some sketches in my free time especially painting. Painting is the one I do struggle with. I would need lots of practice with painting that have to do with watercolor painting and oil painting. A goal that I would need to achieve is improving my skills that has to do with art so that way I can become good at art. And last, another way to reach my dream is helping little kids to draw if I want to become an art teacher because art teachers help students to improve their skills for art and for them to become a better artist. Every artist needs to have the skills to do art. Some of the skills I do have are patience, Imagination, and drawing cartoons. Some of the skills I do need to work with is drawing realistic and communication because if I want to be an art teacher I would need to talk so I can tell the childrens how to draw and what. I am delighted to serve GeetaMandirUSA (Chicago) to teach the children online. God Bless!