Welcome to Divine Peace Foundation
Daily - Schedule
1. Love God.
2. Pray for others.
3. Pray for wisdom.
4. Forgive yourself.
5. Face challenges.
6. Trust God.
7. Thank God.
8. Serve ever.
9. Love nature.
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The goal of Divine Peace Foundation is to help our community Practice, Promote, and Preserve Dharma. It's goal is to serve humanity by using the message of PEACE as its central tenet, while respecting all other Vedic and global religous scriptures.
At Divine Peace Foundation, Scriptures are respected as the Voice of God. The Divine Peace Foundation itself is a house of God, where all devotees of God are welcome. The aspirants are encouraged to learn the knowledge in the Holy Books, and develop themselves on the spiritual path. Through this development they are expected to know more about themselves, about God, and their relationship with God. They are encouraged to develop their relationship with God according to their own temperatment, likes, and dislikes. They are encouraged to exhibit this relationship through positive acts and deeds in the outer world as a selfless service to humanity, living, and non-living entities. In the process, they are expected to become torch brearer of Truth for the coming generations.
आज का - सुविचार
- तुम जो भी करते हो अपने लिए करते हो।तुम जो भी करते हो अपने ही कर्म बनाते होतुम जो भी करते हो अपनी ख़ुशी के लिए करते होतुम जो भी करते हो उससे दूसरे को भी ख़ुशी मिले।तुम जो करते हो उसके करने से दूसरे का भी कल्याण हो।
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Scriptures are the Voice of God. The scripture, expounds the Knowledge of God, i.e., the Holy Books helps us understand God and His Manifestations. The Holy Books provides the most profound explanation of Almighty, a way to know Him Personally through direct knowledge. The Holy Books gives clear explanation and resolution of questions and dilema faced by a seeker on the spiritual path. The Holy Books are the source of most profound wisdom and truth. The principles of living a Divine Life, propounded in the Holy Books, are for the entire humanity.
Great leader from India, Mahatma Gandhi called the Holy Book Bhagwad Geeta his mother, and took his inspiration of non-violence independence movement from the Holy Geeta. Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, Swami Vivekananda, Rajendra Prasad, Radhakrishnan, Vinoba Bhave, and many other modern day leaders and saints have received inspiration from the Holy Geeta. Scientists like Albert Einstein and Oppenheimer were in awe when commenting on the Holy Geeta. Saints like Adi Shankar Acharya, Ramanuj Acharya, Gyaneshwar, Madav, and Aurobindo in the first and second millennium have held the Holy Geeta at the highest possible pedastal.